Saturday, April 21, 2012

Saturday, December 5, 2009

First Survey of Web Security Services

This is the first of what will hopefully be a long survey of Web Security Services

Lets jump right in

  1. The most popular today is Acunetix, they offer band end and front end scanning, although the service is limited to known exploits, and common exploits, so the usefulness is good, but limited.
  2. Norton Security Scan is another popular one. You can see the logos all over the web, although the usefulness is dramatically limited, because it provides only front end scanning for known exploits and very, very simple problems. My advice on this one: save your time and money, find a better one.

  3. McAfee Hacker Safe is another one that can be seen everywhere. The name is misleading, because holes in sites with the badge are discovered daily, although it is another step towards security. This service does front end scanning for known and common exploits, so it is a cost effective solution for security on non-critical applications.
  4. Human Bagel Web Security offers a more robust, secure solution. They perform automatic front and back end scans, as well as manual checks to find the more obscure holes. If your application security is mission-critical, or you are willing to put in a little extra capital, this is the clear choice.
    The admin runs a very respectable Web Security Blog
    that is often on the cutting edge of web security, albeit infrequently updated.